1. Minutes for 8-13-19 were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and approved $1,863.84 in
the account.
a. Old Business
i. Members list needs to be created and shared with members.
b. New Business
i. Swarm Traps—Jeff Bittel will discuss swarm traps next month. October
ii. 2020 Events—we discussed getting committees together early to make these events
much easier. We are trying to grow them each year. Nobody volunteered to be a
committee head.
1. Earth Day—around April 18th, 2020. Tami and Joey will help at the event.
2. Field Day—Teachers possible Jim Rish and Reno Plenge
3. Christmas Dinner—the club voted and the dinner will be on the second Tuesday
of the month, December 10, 2019, at 6:00 pm.
iii. Labels—Sunland in Marianna has cheap labels.
iv. Hive Maintenance was discussed
v. What’s blooming
vi. A question and answer session was held where new members asked questions
about their hives.

c. Speakers
i. Shalome Clark brought her basic extracting equipment and shared how she extracts her
honey, cleans her wax, and bottles her honey.

d. Upcoming Events— State Beekeepers Meeting—October 11-12, 2019 in Orlando, Florida.
i. Alabama Beekeepers Association—September 19-20, 2019