Tupelo Beekeepers Association

Meeting Minutes 10-08-19

  1. Minutes for 9-10-19 were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and approved $1,925.84 in the account.
    1. Old Business
      1. Members list needs to be created and shared with members. Fern
    2. New Business
      1. NBHCA—used some of the donated money from our club to buy more hats and veils. They are having small changes to the club and needed more gear.
      2. 2020 Events—we discussed getting committees together early to make these events much easier. We are trying to grow them each year. Nobody volunteered to be a committee head.
        1. Earth Day—around April 18th, 2020. Tami and Joey will help at the event.
        2. Field Day—Teachers possible Jim Rish and Reno Plenge
        3. Christmas Dinner—the club voted and the dinner will be on the second Tuesday of the month, December 10, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Golden Corral.
  • Farm Bureau—Reno Plenge wanted NBHCA to know that Farm Bureau gives away Agricultural grants to schools. Maybe NBHCA could apply next year.
  1. Hive Maintenance
1) Feed colonies if light. (Colonies can starve!)
2) Monitor for Varroa. Consider treating when Varroa levels reach 3% (3 mites per 100 bees as determined by an alcohol wash or a sugar shake). Treatment options include Apiguard, Apistan, Apivar, Hopguard, and Mite Away (always follow label instructions). For information on how to monitor for Varroa read “Tools for Varroa Management” (http://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/HBHC-Guide_Varroa_Interactive_v5_31October2016.pdf), and watch “Sampling Methods” (https://youtu.be/IgPfT9FQxLc).
3) Monitor and control for small hive beetles. Control options include GardStar and in-hive beetle traps (Hood trap, West beetle trap, Beetle Blaster, etc.). Always follow pesticide label instructions. For more information, see Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in854).


  1. What’s blooming–
Bush Aster Aster spp.
Goldenrod Solidago spp.
Mexican Clover Richardia spp.
Primrose Willow Ludwigia spp.
Smart Weed Polygonum spp.
Spanish Needle Bidens spp.
Spotted Mint Monarda punctata
Vine Aster Ampelaster carolinianus
Wild Mustard Sinapis arvensis
  • A question and answer session was held where new members asked questions about their hives.
  1. Speakers
    1. Jeff Bittel gave an informational discussion that included powerpoint on making swarm traps. He gave us the web page where free information is located to download for those who are interested in making their own swarm traps. He also brought his own swarm trap to show how he made his own trap and what modifications he made to the design and why.

Upcoming Events— State Beekeepers Meeting—October 11-12, 2019 in Orlando, Florida.