Tupelo Beekeepers Association 9 November
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 1900.
Members present:
John Green (president), Chris Liddle (secretary), Teresa Helms (treasurer), Mark Wolf (member at large)
Bert Gwaltney, Jack DePue, James Morris, Buddy Rich, Doug Bailey, Daniel Wages, Reno Plenge, Tim
Brehm, Amber Pippin
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.
Masks are optional as required by the venue. Social distancing continues.
Treasurer Report: There is $1782.60 in the TBA account at Regions Bank. There may be a little more
deposited to the account after the Hancock account is closed out. $15 was received for a new member’s dues
tonight by Amber Pippin.
Secretary Report: September and October Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No
comments received. Minutes approved as written.
Old Business:
1. Bylaws: Recap of new bylaws. Draft 6 was sent out to all paid members. Summary of changes include
5 member board going to 5 member board, a 1-year term of office rather than a 2-year term of office, changed
the term of office to 1 Jan-31 December rather than immediately following the vote to allow time for a
transition. Discussed $15 dues all year rather than 1⁄2 year due. The membership agreed to $15 dues all year.
However Oct-Dec these dues will include the following year as well. There was no disagreement Voiced
regarding this decision. James Morris made a motion to accept new bylaws with the dues revision.
Seconded by Teresa Helm. No further discussion. Voted unanimously to accept new bylaws.. (closed)
2. Website/Facebook page: Not addressed (Open)
3. Bee Phone: Not addressed (Open)
4. Loan Locker: Not addressed (Open)
5. General Election: Ballots are prepared. President: John Green, James Rish
VP: Jim Rish, MAL: Mark Wolf, Secretary: Chris Liddle, Treasurer: Teresa Helm, James Morris. New
nomination from the floor: James Morris for Vice President. James accepted the nomination for VP and
rescinded running for treasurer. Membership understands who is running. Ballots distributed and
collected in a closed bag. Amber Pippin (new member) read the ballots, Mark Wolf verified ballots, Chris
Liddle tallied ballots. Chris and Mark counted ballots since their offices were uncontested.
New TBA officers for 2021:
President: John Green, VP: James Morris, MAL: Mark Wolf, Secretary: Chris Liddle, Treasurer: Teresa
Helm. (closed)
6. Christmas Party: Christmas Party on the second Monday of December during regular meeting time.
This party is to be held at the American Legion Hall. The meat will be paid for by the club. Side dishes will be
brought by members. A sign-up list for side dishes was not distributed at the November meeting due to
weather concerns. Secretary will send out an email asking for sign up for side dishes and asking for
donations for door prizes. There will be a wrapped gift exchange with gifts to be $15 or less if you wish to
participate. (Open)

Adjourned at 1940

Electronically signed, 11 November 2020
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA
Electronically signed, 12 November 2020
John Green, President, TBA