Tupelo Beekeepers Association 8 March 2021
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1900.
Members present:
James Morris (president), Betsey Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (secretary), Teresa Helms (treasurer), Amber Pippin, Jack DePue, Nancy DePue, Buddy Rich, Tom Perkins, Skipper Turk, Tim Brehm, Eric Pitts, Tom Leismeyer, James Rish, Mike Keller, Grady Stanley, Melissa Lemke, Brittany Espinoza, Emil Albrecht
Meeting held indoors. Masks are optional as required by venue. Social distancing continues.

Secretary Report: February Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No comments received. Minutes approved as written.

Treasurer Report: Dues continue to be collected. There is currently $2082.00 in TBA account.
Old Business:
1. Loan Locker: President is to contact the Florida Beekeepers Association regarding offer to provide equipment for loan locker made to John Green. There was no follow up on that offer. (Open)
2. James Morris sent a letter to the government agency opposing the popcorn tree beetle proposed by the American Farm Bureau to eradicate the popcorn tree in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. James sent out a letter and also made comments on the website. Feb 22nd was the cutoff for comments. He said there were many comments on both sides of the issue. Will have to wait and see what transpires. (open)
New Business:
1. Jim Rish informed the club that the USDA a program for beekeepers where you can be compensated $110 for every box you lose. You must sign up in December, so it would be for next year. Contact the USDA office in Blountstown. (info)
2. Jim Rish found a painted deep bee box and could not determine if it belonged to anyone specific. He said he would give the box to the first person who could tell him how fast a bee flies. Amber Pippin won with the answer of 18mph. (info)
1. Jim Rish, Buddy Rich and James Morris each presented how they make nucs and splits. Jim Rish talked about what he learned from a Ukranian Bekeeper. Several members purchase queen cells from Russian beekeepers locally. Lots of questions and answers.
Adjourned at 2000

Electronically signed, 15 March 2021
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

To be Approved,
James Morris, President, TBA

Tupelo Beekeepers Association 8 March 2021
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1810.
Members present:
James Morris (president), Betsey Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (secretary), Teresa Helms (treasurer)
Minutes: Minutes of February 2021 were sent to the board members and general membership.
Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. Field Day/Earth Day: This subject was brought to ther general membership last month. It was voted to hold the field day until fall to see what happens with the coronavirus. (closed)
New Business:
1. Betsey Straley volunteered to be the new member at large (MAL) at the last meeting. She was appointed by the president as MAL. (closed)
2. Secretary to check in to saving the minutes as a PDF rather than an ODT file, as ODT files cannot be opened on phones or tablets, only on full size computers.
Adjourned at 1900.

Electronically signed, 15 March 2021
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

To be Approved,
James Morris, President, TBA