Tupelo Beekeepers Association 14 June 2021
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1800.
Members present:
James Morris (president), Mark Wolf (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (secretary), Elmore Herman, Pete Beloat, Jack DePue, Reno Plenge, Grady Stanley, Stan Peacock, Stephen Revell, Willaim Dabrolet Rose, Allen Rose, Amber Pippin, William Keeley, Charles Hay, Buddy Rich, Skipper Turk, Tim Brehm, Eric Pitts, Susan Pitts, Guy Ammerman, Dominic Cherek, Basel Rifaei.

Secretary Report: May Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No comments received. Minutes approved as written. Asked if people would be interested in having a list of members and contact information and if anyone would object to letting other members have their contact information. Consensus was, yes, people would like this. Contact information for members will not be available to the the general public, only to other members.

Treasurer Report: Dues continue to be collected. There is currently $2094 in TBA account. There is one payment pending from the club at this time. (Millie Bees)
Old Business:
1. Loan Locker:
Elmore Herman stated there will be a delivery on 15 June. He hopes that the 8 frame extractor, ordered by James Morris, will be on that truck but he won’t know until the delivery arrives. (open)
2. American Farm Bureau has plans to eradicate the popcorn tree by introducing a beetle. James sent out a letter and also made comments on their website. There was discussion about this item. They apprently did a trial of the beetle in Louisiana which did not work out as planned/poor results. They are still trying. The southern beekeepers are against eradicating the popcorn trees because 80% of profits come from popcorn. (open)
3. Skipper Turk continues to look into stickers and t-shirts with club logo. He asked if there was a higher resolution image of the TBA logo. Secretary will contact Fern to ask her if she knows of  higher resolution since she set up the website with that logo. (open)
New Business:
1. Registering hives: fdacs.gov website given out to members and discussion of why it is a good idea to register your hives. Inspectors truly want to help the backyard beekeeper and provide training/education. (info)

2. Contact information for bay county mosquito control given out to members. Register your bees so that mosquito control will spray after dark or not at all in your location. There was also discussion regarding aerial spraying and a recent bee-kill in panama city beach because of aerial spraying during the day. All aerial spraying is supposed to be done after dark. (info)

3. Pete Beloat is the president of the Chipola Bee Club and was telling us about a Symposium they are going to conduct on October 2nd. There will be 5-6 classes. They are hoping to have Jamie Ellis there as well as several inspectors from Florida and Alabama. One topic will be winterizing your bees. Preregistration is 35$, and 10$ for food. (info)

Elmore Herman and Pete Beloat presented on commercial beekeeping operations and transporting your bees to California for the almond pollination. Lots of questions and answers on that, as well as keeping your bees healthy.
Adjourned at 1900

Electronically signed, June 14, 2021
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 18 June 2021
James Morris, President, TBA

Tupelo Beekeepers Association 14 June 2021
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1730.
Members present:
James Morris (president), Mark Wolf (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (secretary)
Minutes: Minutes of May 2021 were sent to the board members and general membership. No comments or corrections received. Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. Website and FaceBook page:
a. Website updated. Secretary’s phone number is now main contact number. Emil Albrecht’s name and phone number added to the swarm catcher listing. Emil’s and Ricky’s names starred as the numbers to call first for swarm removal due to their responsiveness and availability. (closed)
2. Loan Locker:
a. Elmore Herman stated there will be a delivery truck on 15 Jun 21. He is hoping the 8 frame electric extractor, ordered by James Morris will be on that delivery, but he won’t know until the delivery. (open)
3. Field Day: we discussed earlier in the year to not hold the field day in April due to covid restrictions etc. and to revisit possibly doing a field day in September. This subject was brought up for discussion. Consensus has it that September is not a good time to have open hive demonstrations and to encourage new beekeepers to start. It was decided to delay the field day until spring of 2022. (closed)
Adjourned at 1800.

Electronically signed, 15 June 2021
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA
Electronically signed, 18 June 2021
James Morris, President, TBA