Tupelo Beekeepers Association 13 June 2022
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1800.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary), Tim Brehm (Treasurer), Charles Hay, Stephen Revell, Buddy Rich, Pat Bush, Linda Carr, Ron Greiner, Clovis Greiner, Kathleen O’Brien, Doug Bailey, Andy Hodges, Lisa and Paul Davis, Faith Bell, Scott Chandler, Patty Kelly, Hyunsook Miramontes, Christina Sabo, Chris Mumpower, Leon Foreman
Secretary Report: May 2022 Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No comments received. Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer Report: There is currently $1629.57 in the TBA account. No payments pending.
Old Business:
1. Millville Community Garden: Boxes were painted by the girl scouts. Bees were installed in 2 boxes. The community garden is planning to have bee classes at the garden in the future. (open)

2. Facebook Page/Website: Amberely has gotten with Fern about becoming an admin for both the Facebook page and website. Once she has that access, she will be able to do much with both. People are selling on the Facebook page. Discussion about removing the names of people from the webpage if they are not dues paying members of the TBA. (open)
3. Buddy said he talked to the Chipley club and we can get with our local IFAS office for them to present about the cottage industry laws. That is who did the presentation in Chipley. (open)
4. IFAS will be presenting Bee College in Panama City August 12 & 13 2022. IFAS is also giving out free seed packets to encourage pollinators. You can pick them up at the IFAS office. IFAS office is now open again. (info)
5. Tupelo is looking good this year. People are gearing up for a good tupelo harvest. Gal berry follows tupelo. You must remove your honey supers before the gal berry starts or it will be mixed with your tupelo. (info)

New Business:
1. Beekeepers Club cards brought in by Skipper Turk. To be distributed to members for giving out to interested people. There is a stack of them at Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply in Callaway. Members please talk to local business that have anything to do with agriculture to see if they will put them up on bulletin boards etc. People came up and took several cards each. (open)
2. Cutout: Buddy Rich will be doing a cutout of 2 hives at the Harvest Worship Center on 390 on Wednesday at 9am. Newbies or people wanting to learn about cutouts are invited to join him. Bring your protective clothing. People will be encouraged to take pictures to place on our Facebook page and website. (info)
3. Extractor: Secretary brought up that nobody has borrowed the extractor since purchase. One person recently asked to borrow it but when they found out how large and heavy it is and they would need a truck or trailer, decided against it. Secretary asked about the possibility of having it set up somewhere permanently where members could access and use it. Discussion followed. There are a lot of logistics that will go into this. (open)

Presentation: Varroa Mites and Oxalic Acid Treatment by Tim Brehm.

Electronically signed, 15 Jun 2022
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 17 Jun 22
Skipper Turk, President, TBA

Tupelo Beekeepers Association 13 Jun 2022
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1730.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary), Tim Brehm (Treasurer)
Minutes: Minutes of May 2022 sent to the board members/membership. No comments or corrections.
Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. New beekeeper information file. Secretary to forward this information to Fern Compton for inclusion on our webpage. Need to ensure that there is a link to the Florida best practices for beekeepers on the website. Amberley Schmidt is working with Fern to get admin privileges for website and Facebook page. Once this happens, Amberley will be able to do this. (open)
2. Discussion about Facebook page vs Facebook group. Amberley to get with secretary this month to discuss social media. Amberley Schmidt is working with Fern to get admin privileges for website and Facebook page. Once this happens, Amberley will be able to do this. (open)
New Business:
1. Beekeepers Club cards brought in by Skipper Turk. To be distributed to members for giving out to interested people. There is a stack of them at Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply in Callaway. Members please talk to local business that have anything to do with agriculture to see if they will put them up on bulletin boards etc., present to membership. (open)
2. Meeting location: Do we want to look into meeting at the IFAS building again? Discussion. Decided to find out if meeting at IFAS building is a possibility before presenting it to the membership. We will also discuss what nights are available if IFAS is open to us again. Otherwise, we will remain at the American Legion Hall. (open)
3. Membership list cleanup: There are people selling on our Facebook page. Discussion about removing members from our email list if they haven’t attended a meeting in 6 months (unpaid). (open)
4. Extractor: Secretary brought up that nobody has borrowed the extractor since purchase. One person recently asked to borrow it but when they found out how large and heavy it is and they would need a truck or trailer, decided against it. Secretary asked about the possibility of having it set up somewhere permanently where members could access and use it. Discussion followed. There are a lot of logistics that will go into this. To be brought up to the general membership. (open)

Adjourned: 1800
Electronically signed, 15 June 2022
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 17 June 2022
Skipper Turk, President, TBA