Tupelo Beekeepers Association 11 July 2022
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1800.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), Mark Wolf, (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary), Tim Brehm

(Treasurer), Charles Hay, Stephen Revell, Buddy Rich, Pat Bush, Ron Greiner, Faith Bell, Scott Chandler, Patty Kelly, Ruth Bery, Phillip Berry, Jim Rish, Sam Mello

Secretary Report: Jun 2022 Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No comments received. Minutes approved as written.

Treasurer Report: There is currently $1284.50 in the TBA account. No payments pending. There is a $40 deposit pending and at dispute of a $475 charge that was incorrectly debited from the TBA account. Don’t anticipate any problems with the return of this money.

Old Business:

1. Millville Community Garden: 2 boxes with double deeps. 4 honey supers were donated and are being painted by the girl scouts. Once these are painted, they will be placed on the hives. Signage is up at the park. (open)
2. Facebook Page/Website: Fern has updated the website with the cottage laws, new officers, meeting
minutes. She will post the new beekeeper info packet when she receives it. (open)
3. Cottage laws posted on website. We can have a presentation on this as well at a future time. (closed)
4. Beekeepers Club cards brought in by Skipper Turk. To be distributed to members for giving out to interested people. There is a stack of them at Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply in Callaway. Members please talk to local business that have anything to do with agriculture to see if they will put them up on bulletin boards etc. People came up and took several cards each. (closed)
5. Cutout: Buddy Rich thanked people for coming out to help with this extraction. 6 boxes of bees were rescued and multiple buckets of honey were distributed to those in attendance. Newbees received a lot of training/education ad the club received a donation from the church. (info)
6. Extractor: No new information at this time. (open)
New Business:
1. Bee College: IFAS is asking for 6 volunteers to help with registration etc. They will comp the bee college attendance for those assisting. We have 7 volunteers that will be forwarded to the IFAS point of contact. (info)
2. Meeting location: IFAS is open for us to meet at their building on 14th St once again. IFAS would be available the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 or 7 for general meeting. IFAS will charge $25/meeting ($300/yr). IFAS has media capability. Much discussion. There was a motion and 2nd to return to IFAS building. Secretary delineated differences between the 2 locations. Questions ensued regarding the cost. Chipley is not paying IFAS to hold meetings there in Chipley. We were not charged by IFAS previously. Considering that we generate approximately $1400/yr, $300/year is a significant sum. Motion to table: further explore possibility of public library and poll general membership about their thoughts/ opinions on staying at the American Legion Hall, going to IFAS or the library. Motion to table passed.
Secretary will send out email this week for input. We will look into the library as well. (open).

Presentation: Round table discussion on safety tips for beekeeping: Black widows, scorpions, smokers/fire, hydration, don’t cause your bees to feel threatened/banging around, epi-pen/anaphylaxis, snakes (there are 50 types of snake in Florida, 6 are venomous), bears, slips/trips/falls, situational awareness.

Electronically signed, 12 Jul 2022
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 13 Jul 22
Skipper Turk, President, TBA

Tupelo Beekeepers Association 11 Jul 2022
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1730.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), Mark Wolf (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary), Tim Brehm (Treasurer)
Minutes: Minutes of June 2022 sent to the board members/membership. No comments or corrections. Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. New beekeeper information file. Secretary to forward this information to Fern Compton for inclusion on our webpage. Need to ensure that there is a link to the Florida best practices for beekeepers on the website. Fern posted the cottage laws on our website. Updated officers and meeting minutes. (open)
2. Discussion about Facebook page vs Facebook group. No new information.(open)
2. Meeting location: The IFAS building is available for meetings starting in August. 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 or 7pm. Discussion. Will bring this up to the membership for discussion/vote. (open)
3. Membership list cleanup: Discussion about that our page is for the benefit of the bees. We should leave it open to whoever wants to be there. (open)
4. Extractor: Secretary brought up that nobody has borrowed the extractor since purchase. One person recently asked to borrow it but when they found out how large and heavy it is and they would need a truck or trailer, decided against it. Secretary asked about the possibility of having it set up somewhere permanently where members could access and use it. Discussion followed. There are a lot of logistics that will go into this. No new information. (open)
New: Business:
1. IFAS has asked for 6 volunteers from the club to assist with the PC Bee College on 12 &13 August. Will be opened to membership at general meeting. (closed)
2. Walton Beekeepers Association has their first meeting tomorrow night. (info)

Adjourned: 1800
Electronically signed, 12 July 2022
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA
Electronically signed, 13 July 2022
Skipper Turk, President, TBA