Tupelo Beekeepers Association 13 June 2023
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1900.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), James Morris (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary), Charles Hay, Buddy Rich, Larry Cantu, Jeff & Alisa Perry, Stephen Revell, Charlotte Cooper, Elizabeth Becton, Aaron & Leila Wellons, Patti & Hubert Maloy, Kathleen O’Brien, Ron & Clovis Greiner, Phillip & Ruth Berry, William Fontaine, Jennifer Bowman, Aric & Tania Bowen, Terry & Nicole Parker
Secretary Report: May 2022 Minutes were sent out to general membership for review. No comment/discussion. Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer Report: There is $1583.74 in the TBA account. There will be several deposits and a check written for more business cards. So there are several things pending.

Old Business:
1. Millville Community Garden: Aaron Wellons will be doing an alcohol wash tomorrow after he completed 5 OAV treatments for mites. (open)
2. Extractor: Larry Cantu asked to borrow the extractor. (open)
3. Earth Day/Field Day: Earth Day at the St Andrews farmer’s market went well. Field Day was held at CM Kidd Community Park on 13 May. Things went well, albeit participation was a little light. The raffle for a nuc brought in $245. Charles Comer won the nuc. Charles Hay donated $50 to the club from his honey sales for that day. Pizza was purchased by the club on both earth day and field day for participating members. It is estimated the club made $174 profit. (closed)
4. Calendar for monthly presentations: (open)
June: Wax Rendering/processing (Stephen Revell)
July: Bee vacuum (Stephen Revell, Tim Brehm, Buddy Rich, anyone else who has a vacuum)
August: Pests/hazards/safety (Tim Brehm)
September: Getting ready for winter
New Business:
1. Chipola Club swap meet: Elmore Herman let James Morris know that the Chipola club would be conducting a swap meet on the 24th of June (at IFAS location in Marianna) for anyone wishing to participate. Bring bees, honey, equipment, whatever. James will send out more information when he gets it. (info)
2. Florida Beekeeping Calendar (info)
3. Reminder: There are 2 Facebook pages for the club. Get to know your mailman for the potential for getting swarms (swarming bees seem to really love mailboxes)

Presentation: Wax rendering and processing (Stephen Revell). Stephen showed his solar wax rendering process. Answered many questions. Discussed how he uses rendered wax for waxing foundations, make candles etc. Very informative.

Electronically signed, 15 June 2023
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 19 June 2023
Skipper Turk, President, TBA

Tupelo Beekeepers Association 13 June 2023
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 1830.
Members present:
Skipper Turk (President), James Morris (VP), Betsy Straley (MAL), Chris Liddle (Secretary),
Minutes: Minutes of May 2022 sent to the board members/membership. No comments or corrections.
Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. Extractor: Nothing new (open)
2. Earth Day/Field Day: Earth Day at the St Andrews farmer’s market went well. Field Day was held at CM Kidd Community Park on 13 May from 10-3pm. Things went well. Charles Comer won the nuc.
Charles Hay donated $50 to the club from his honey sales. (closed)
3. Calendar for monthly presentations: (open)
June: Wax Rendering/processing (Stephen Revell)
July: Bee Vacuum (Stephen Revell, Tim Brehm, Buddy Rich, anyone else that has a vacuum)
August: Pests/hazards/safety (Tim Brehm)
September: Preparing for winter
Adjourned: 1900

Electronically signed, 15 June 2023
Christine Liddle, Secretary, TBA

Electronically signed, 19 June 2023
Skipper Turk, President, TBA